- I am from God is great, God is good.
Let us thank Him for our food
And supper at 5:00
Where I will inevitably spill my milk.
- I'm from just say "no" to drugs
and "yes, Ma'am" to teachers.
I am from telling secrets on the
Merry-Go-Round and giggling at boys.
- I am from crawling into Mamaw Cullop's
flannel sheets and being intoxicated
by the wonderful smell of the cold cream
she used faithfully.
- From trying to count the rainbows
in the plaster pattern on her ceiling
and never getting it done because I fell asleep
While she read her Bible.
- I am from young girls dreams of being Mary Lou Retton
And prancing around Crockett
In a red, white and blue leotard.
And I'm from the realization that I'm not that coordinated.
- I am from climbing the dogwood tree in the back yard
With Levi and from picking the leaves off Boxwoods
And sliding them down the concrete rail
While Levi pretended to be shot by war planes.
- I am from envying Sharon's beauty
And eavesdropping on talks with her boyfriend.
From suffering thru middle child-ness
With Jonathan and making it fun.
- I am from swinging on the front porch
With my mom and watching a storm roll in
And I'm from knowing my Dad could do
Or fix anything.
- I am from a small town in Southwestern Virginia
Where everyone knows everyone.
And where you marry that boy
You used to giggle at while you were on the Merry-Go-Round.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Life goes on...
I know I have been a shitty blogger lately. I probably don't have any readers left since my posts have been so depressing lately. If any of you are still sticking in there with me, I apologize. Thank you all for the cards, well wishes, etc. since we lost Brady.
Chris and I spent the weekend in Pigeon Forge to celebrate our 9th anniversary. We enjoyed being away but I spent a lot of time thinking about Brady. When we got home on Sunday I heard some terrible news that really put things into perspective for me. As hard as it is, I know I need to move on and keeping living life and enjoying my family and friends. Although Chris and I will miss Brady for a long time, we just have to remember the good times we had with him and be thankful we had him in our lives.
We have some exciting things on the horizon for us and I want to be "in the moment" and appreciative of our opportunities.
Thank you for allowing me some time to sulk and cry and be mad and sad and hurt. Life goes on...
Chris and I spent the weekend in Pigeon Forge to celebrate our 9th anniversary. We enjoyed being away but I spent a lot of time thinking about Brady. When we got home on Sunday I heard some terrible news that really put things into perspective for me. As hard as it is, I know I need to move on and keeping living life and enjoying my family and friends. Although Chris and I will miss Brady for a long time, we just have to remember the good times we had with him and be thankful we had him in our lives.
We have some exciting things on the horizon for us and I want to be "in the moment" and appreciative of our opportunities.
Thank you for allowing me some time to sulk and cry and be mad and sad and hurt. Life goes on...
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Rest in peace, Brady.
Brady passed away yesterday, January 10, 2009. We buried him out at the farm on the hill above the pond. That's all I can say about that right now. Chris and I are hurting. Please remember us in your prayers.
Friday, January 9, 2009
I love it. No, I REALLY, REALLY love it!

My new Kindle. I can't believe how much more I'm reading. It's easy to hold, convenient to take along with you, and just plain awesome.
It's true. The Kindle has re-kindled my love of reading. Not that I've ever really stopped reading but you know what I mean.
I just finished up the 3rd book in the Twilight series, Eclipse by Stephanie Meyer. I can't wait to get the 4th one started but I'm taking a bit of a break from the series because there are a few other things I wanted to read. SARAH - You NEED to read this series. I really think you will like it.
Our online book club (man, that makes me sound like a dork!) is reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon. This is a book I normally wouldn't have chosen myself but it is great! I guess that is the point of a book club; to get you out of your same old-same old routine. Good book and the first in the series if you are looking for a series to get wrapped up in. MARANDA - Try it. I think you will like this if you can get past the first 5 chapters.
Since we are only supposed to read 5 Chapters a week for the book club, I wanted to start something else so I am reading The Rescue by Nicholas Sparks. It is okay so far. I am not a big Nicolas Sparks fan because everyone always dies in his books. No one is dead in this one, YET. I bought it because it was on sale on my Kindle for $1.00. Even if it ends up being really bad, I'm only out a dollar and a couple hours of my time.
After I finish the Rescue, I will be giving the Kindle a break and reading a book that Chris' mom let me borrow. It is The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb. I'll let you know what I think of it.
And finally, Chris is reading A Walk in the Woods by Bill Bryson.
What are you all reading right now?
Friday, January 2, 2009
Welcome 2009!
2008? Has it been a good year? Hmmm.
The economy stinks.
My dog got sick.
Adios, 2008! I won't be missing you.
I guess that isn't entirely fair. There were some good things about 2008.
Chris and I had an awesome beach vacation.
We both kept our jobs even though I work in banking and Chris works in the auto industry and they've both suffered horrible years.
My family has been blessed with good health.
2009 Resolution:
I have purchased the 2009 Daily Task Checklist from Motivated Moms. There is a checksheet that you print off each day. On one side there is a list of daily things that need to be done and the other side has 3 or 4 things each day to complete. If followed, you are never supposed to have to "deep" clean or "spring" clean your house. Chris and I plan on keeping up with it. I keep a fairly clean house but the biggest arguement that Chris and I have is that I spend a good portion of the day cleaning on Saturday. Chris wants me to go somewhere with him or do something with him and I don't want to because I don't like a messy house. I feel I have to get it done before anything else. Chris is willing to help me, but not on the weekends. He says the weekends are for having fun and relaxing. I agree. So this is our solution. There are some things on the lists that we can cross off each day because we don't have children but there are some things that the list reminds us to do that we wouldn't otherwise think of. For instance, yesterday... One of the items was to clean the telephones. We both kind of laughed at that. I can honestly say that in my 9 years of marriage, I don't think I have ever cleaned the telephones. Well, yesterday I did. And can I just tell you how dirty they were. GROSS! It was disgusting the stuff I got off those things. ICK! So the next time cleaning the telephones rolls up on the list, we won't laugh.
I thought about my sister as I was doing this yesterday. She might be on to something. My sister is a hard-core list maker. She will make a list of what she needs to do each day. If she is cleaning the house, she writes down EVERY SINGLE CHORE. I would always say that I would be half way finished cleaning by the time she finished her list. I didn't realize the satisfaction you get from CHECKING THINGS OFF the list. It keeps you focused, for sure. So, I stand corrected. Lists are good. But I'm still not making my own. I am happy someone else has done it for me and I can just start checking stuff off ASAP.
The economy stinks.
My dog got sick.
Adios, 2008! I won't be missing you.
I guess that isn't entirely fair. There were some good things about 2008.
Chris and I had an awesome beach vacation.
We both kept our jobs even though I work in banking and Chris works in the auto industry and they've both suffered horrible years.
My family has been blessed with good health.
2009 Resolution:
I have purchased the 2009 Daily Task Checklist from Motivated Moms. There is a checksheet that you print off each day. On one side there is a list of daily things that need to be done and the other side has 3 or 4 things each day to complete. If followed, you are never supposed to have to "deep" clean or "spring" clean your house. Chris and I plan on keeping up with it. I keep a fairly clean house but the biggest arguement that Chris and I have is that I spend a good portion of the day cleaning on Saturday. Chris wants me to go somewhere with him or do something with him and I don't want to because I don't like a messy house. I feel I have to get it done before anything else. Chris is willing to help me, but not on the weekends. He says the weekends are for having fun and relaxing. I agree. So this is our solution. There are some things on the lists that we can cross off each day because we don't have children but there are some things that the list reminds us to do that we wouldn't otherwise think of. For instance, yesterday... One of the items was to clean the telephones. We both kind of laughed at that. I can honestly say that in my 9 years of marriage, I don't think I have ever cleaned the telephones. Well, yesterday I did. And can I just tell you how dirty they were. GROSS! It was disgusting the stuff I got off those things. ICK! So the next time cleaning the telephones rolls up on the list, we won't laugh.
I thought about my sister as I was doing this yesterday. She might be on to something. My sister is a hard-core list maker. She will make a list of what she needs to do each day. If she is cleaning the house, she writes down EVERY SINGLE CHORE. I would always say that I would be half way finished cleaning by the time she finished her list. I didn't realize the satisfaction you get from CHECKING THINGS OFF the list. It keeps you focused, for sure. So, I stand corrected. Lists are good. But I'm still not making my own. I am happy someone else has done it for me and I can just start checking stuff off ASAP.
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