One of the more difficult things about not going to Wal-Mart is that buying things like Pine-Sol and Magic Erasers cost SO MUCH MORE in the grocery store than at Wal-Mart. Luckily, I've found a better solution: sells exciting things like Tylenol and paper towels and dish detergent. You can order the products online and set up reminders to buy that product weekly, bi-weekly, monthly, etc. The products are delivered right to your door and as long as you order at least 6 items, the shipping is FREE!!!
Some products are probably still more expensive than buying them at Wal-Mart but they are definitely cheaper than buying them at the grocery store. In addition, if there is a manufacturer's coupon available, Alice will apply it to your order automatically. Sweet! I'm in.
I received my first order this week.
In addition to the products I ordered, I received free sample of laundry booster, a granola bar and a full size carpet cleaner.