It seems unbelievable to me that today is the one year anniversary of the Virginia Tech shootings. The pain and grief that arises when thinking about the victims and their families still seems so raw that it is hard for me to believe that a year has gone by. There are 3 different things that still haunt me everytime I think about it and I won't discuss them because I don't even like thinking about it much less to actually write about it. Maybe one day...
One thing that I do remember and that I am so proud of Hokie Nation for is the way the students conducted themselves when being interviewed by the media. All the news broadcasters and media big shots were trying to coerce students into blaming VT administration for this or that. I fondly remember one student saying this: "One thing you have to understand about Hokie nation is that we are united. We don't place blame on fellow Hokies, including the shooter, we are all in this together. Cho was a victim of a mental illness and everyone who was affected is a victim of Cho's mental illness. Hokies are Hokies, period." That really spoke volumes to me about the character of VT students, faculty, and staff. Enough said, you fine young man, whomever you are.
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