Monday, May 26, 2008
Happy Memorial Day!

I had full intentions of posting a bloomed out flower, alas, it hasn't bloomed. I hope you all enjoy a safe and happy Memorial Day! Here are a few pictures I took on Friday. The VFW? maybe or some organization in Smyth County puts these crosses and flags on the lawn of the courthouse every year. Someone told me there were 200 crosses and flags this year.
Saturday, May 24, 2008
This might be the weekend...

Every year I look forward to watching my peonies bloom. It looks like it might happen this weekend. I took this picture on Thursday evening. This is my new 50 mm lens. I'm loving the AV setting on my camera with this lens. You can really focus in on the main subject of the picture and then blur everything in the background. LOVE IT! I have been practicing really hard with it. I plan on using it as the main lens for the wedding that I am doing next weekend. It is hard getting used to not having a zoom lens. I am truly learning the term "focus with your feet" well.
It's a SIGN, I tell ya!
Chris and I have been throwing around the idea of going to Disney World for several years now. It just so happens that on Wednesday I was doing a little research about Disney vacations, and I ran across a website about all of the "hidden" Mickey's at Disney World. The hidden Mickey's are characterized by the 3 circles that make the head and two ears. You all know what I'm talking about, right? Well, low and behold, on Thursday morning when I was letting the dog out, I look down at my hosta plant and see this: A HIDDEN MICKEY RIGHT IN MY OWN BACK YARD! It's a sign! We have to go. :) My current plan is to save up the money without Chris knowing it and surprise him with a Disney trip for our 10th wedding anniversary. (2010) Ya'll won't tell, will you? Trust me, Chris won't know. He doesn't ever read my blog. LOSER! Just kidding. Have a great day.

And Sarah, aka, the BLOG police: ARe you happy now? Oh yeah, and a shout out to Sarah's aunt. She was one of the few people that noticed I hadn't updated for a while. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. Glad to know I have at least a couple of loyal readers. Love you all!

And Sarah, aka, the BLOG police: ARe you happy now? Oh yeah, and a shout out to Sarah's aunt. She was one of the few people that noticed I hadn't updated for a while. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. Glad to know I have at least a couple of loyal readers. Love you all!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
You know, SOME people may say

that having a plastic pink flamingo in the yard is tacky. Some may even go as far as to say we are classless rednecks who need to get a clue. Do we care? NO! We have a pink flamingo in our yard. And as if that isn't tacky, classless, and redneck enough, it has outfits for every season! Don't be jealous. You know you want one. :)
When Chris and I bought our camper we would decorate the camp site in flamingo decor. Thanks to your families and our neighbors, our collection has multiplied. This is the latest gift from my neighbor, Barbara. I love her. The flamingo came with a wardrobe larger than my own so I will try to keep you updated when I change outfits.
(P.S. The flamingo is in the back of the house so it isn't visible from the road. We're rednecks, not West Virginians.)
Happy Mother's Day, you bunch of "muthas"!
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