Chris and I have been throwing around the idea of going to Disney World for several years now. It just so happens that on Wednesday I was doing a little research about Disney vacations, and I ran across a website about all of the "hidden" Mickey's at Disney World. The hidden Mickey's are characterized by the 3 circles that make the head and two ears. You all know what I'm talking about, right? Well, low and behold, on Thursday morning when I was letting the dog out, I look down at my hosta plant and see this: A HIDDEN MICKEY RIGHT IN MY OWN BACK YARD! It's a sign! We have to go. :) My current plan is to save up the money without Chris knowing it and surprise him with a Disney trip for our 10th wedding anniversary. (2010) Ya'll won't tell, will you? Trust me, Chris won't know. He doesn't ever read my blog. LOSER! Just kidding. Have a great day.

And Sarah, aka, the BLOG police: ARe you happy now? Oh yeah, and a shout out to Sarah's aunt. She was one of the few people that noticed I hadn't updated for a while. Thanks for keeping me on my toes. Glad to know I have at least a couple of loyal readers. Love you all!
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