Saturday, November 8, 2008

Poor puppy. :(

Please take the time to say a quick prayer for our sweet baby, Brady. Chris and I have been noticing for about a week that Brady isn't acting right and doesn't feel right. He hasn't been eating and he has been feeling bad. Chris took him to the vet today and the poor little guy is very, very sick. He has developed liver disease. We have been so upset all day. Dr. Taylor thinks that we can control the symptoms with diet and medication and we have to take him back in three weeks to do more blood work. We are both very worried about him.


linda said...

Oh Dear, Poor Brady, he is certainly in my prayers. I know just how much our pets mean to us.

Anonymous said...

It was probably that fiasco on Halloween when he was dressed like a weenee that made him sick...I do hope he gets better!!! hope you don't mind my humor...Luvya

Anonymous said...

Oh no I hope he's okay!!! Keep me posted.