127 Magnolia Lane
We've moved! Still getting settled, as you'll be able to tell from the pictures. Please ignore the fact that all the walls are white and there are virtually no curtains.


Computer center. This is right at the back door when you come in off the carport. A nice place to collect all that junk you bring in with you.

Laundry room.

View of dining room from kitchen.

Another note to self... read stack of magazines and throw away.
Quite possibly the ugliest mantle ever.

What would you all put on these shelves?


Living room

Opposite side of living room

Master bedroom

Ahhh... my reading chair!

What would you all put on these shelves?


Living room

Opposite side of living room

Master bedroom

Ahhh... my reading chair!
Back in May I flew to my sister's house in St. Louis for my niece's high school graduation. Thankfully, my sister Sharon asked me to stay with her. This was the first time I had stayed in her new house and I felt very comfortable immediately when I walked in the door. Sharon is one of those people that just have a knack for decorating. I want my house to look just like hers. I, not unlike her, can't stand clutter. She has the neatest house but at the same time it feels comfortable and welcoming. Mine? Not so much. It's looking pretty sterile around here at the moment. All the walls are contractor beige and I've only got curtains in two rooms. Sharon's coming to spend Thanksgiving with me and I hope she gets bored while she's here, takes pity on me, and helps me fix this place up. (Hint, hint.) ;)
My friend Sarah is the same way. She has the best ideas and best paint colors ever! (You can see for yourself if you follow her blog link on my page.) When we moved into our last house, Sarah picked out all my curtains. I hate curtains. Sarah's coming to spend a weekend with me in December and I hope she gets bored while she's here, takes pity on me, and helps me fix this place up. (Hint, hint.) ;)
Better not be running around the house in the BUFF until you get those curtains....might get run out of the 'hood.
Nice Digs!!!
I got the hint! I am going to get the bath towels this weekend and hopefully will be able to get my embroidery machine working again. I kinda messed up the tension while sewing designs on fleece. Bad idea without the right kind of stabilizer.
Anyway, I'll get the towels done. Don't worry. I am looking around my house to see if there are any goodies that I can part with to use in your house. I am sure I have some in the basement, I just can't get into the storage room yet. That big green not-quite-finished upholstering project is in the middle of the floor.... still!
Gorgeous house! I love the outside it looks so charming. You have a wonderful view too! Good luck picking out colors and curtains! I agree that the mantle isn't quite right. It doesn't fit with the scale of the fireplace and it seems too high above the firebox.
What a great house! I love the view, but I agree, curtains would be a first order of business. :)
And yeah, that fireplace/mantle combo doesn't really work. I have never had a fireplace though, so I can't say what I would do with it...never thought about it before.
You could possibly put pictures of your favorite niece up on those shelves... (hint, hint)
I would, Ellie, but I don't have any pictures of Kailey! Ha Ha! Just kidding baby girl.
Yeah that's right you better be kidding!! I was your first niece and will always be! :P Love you!! cant wait to see you next week!!!
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