I know it wasn't that long ago I wrote about the wonders of the Kindle and told you how awesome it was and well, at the time it was. But I'm fickle when it comes to electronics and I've moved on to a new love.
Everything wonderful you've heard about the iPad... yeah... believe it. It's that good. The best apps so far...
Netflix: If you have a Netflix account (thanks Jill) with instant movie capabilities, just download the Netflix app to watch them instantly on your iPad. Seriously, how cool is that?
ABC: Same thing... most (any?) TV shows that come on ABC can be watched at your convenience on your iPad.
Zinio: Magazine subscriptions delivered digitally to your iPad. Cosmo for $15.00 for 12 issues, Oprah for $18.00 for 12 issues and the same for Martha Stewart Living I think. Good Housekeeping, 12 issues for $8.00. MY FAVORITE THING SO FAR!
USA Today: Download the headlines every morning in Sports, Tech, Lifestyle and Top News. Looks just like a newspaper without that yucky paper feel. Love this one, too!
Kindle App: All my Kindle books but can be accessed and read on the iPad. My poor Kindle. I'm sorry, baby. You were fun while you lasted but come on... you have to understand. We can still be friends. :)
I can't even do justice to how awesome this thing is but stop by... I'll give you the grand tour. Trust me on this one. (Really this time.)